"Don't you dare put those shoes on the table! Blue I'm warning you, put those shoes on the floor!" Daring being supersticious about Blue's new shoes
"you were just talking to him yesterday and next he's gone!the world doesnt change not even the slightest...but someone is no longer there. He just went poof!" me talking about Turtle and how he tends to disappear off of the face of the planet
You had better be gittin' the part in that play or I'll blow the stupid director guy person's head off." Daring to me after I tried out for the school play.
"search no more...for the man that i love isn't the one in the memory but the man that's standing right here infront of me... um... wait... which one was it..." Ninja to Turtle and Crazy
You have to audition for Blood Brothers with me"
"No I won't I hate singing."
"Oh, come on it talks about the Devil."
"Really? Alright then." me and Daring arguing about a play I'm in.
"i thought he was Blue, i just took one look and i knew...with just feeling you can tell" Daring's father to me
"Yay!! Dream, we're finally going to be in a play together! We need to go over lines together and act all crazy because we're both smart and crazy." Turtle telling me about how I get to play the part of his right hand girl in a play about Nuns and we're gangsters. Anda my friend's school is doing this play now too.
"let me tell you how to make friends...left foot...right foot...left foot...right foot...slowly step by step" Crazy to Perv (high school)
"That's not a toothbrush. That's a mini toilet scrubber." Perv
"do you know what is it that i envy about Blue the most?... its time!!! the ten years time he spent with you...it is impossible to only move two steps during those times" Daring to me when Blue was in the hospital the idiot fell out of the barn again and missed the hay stack.
"It's raining."
"What a wonderful observation."
"No I mean it's really raining." Crazy and Turtle
"tell me what should i do to be able to forget?" Skye
Wow those were a lot of fun"